Securing the future of fashion

Make fashion sustainable with our guide.

The conversation around sustainability is intensifying, and the fashion industry often finds itself in the spotlight.

In our guide, we take a look at the current state of the industry, what it needs to do to become more sustainable and how we can help you get there.

Download your copy and make the change today.

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The fashion industry accounts for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions

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A polyester garment takes up to 200 years to biodegrade

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92 million tonnes of textile waste heads to landfills every year

What does the guide cover?

A circular economy

We take a look at the circular fashion model and how it could secure a more sustainable future for the industry.

Sustainable materials

Materials are a big part of the sustainability puzzle, so we discuss innovations and options for brands to explore.

Our commitment

Whether it's certified materials, our carbon minimal stitch-to-store model or our extensive product range, sustainability is at our core.

Let's talk

Get ahead of the curve and instill truly sustainable practices in your operations with our partnership.

Speak to the team

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